
DECT NR+: A new radio standard to benefit professional audio applications (en)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 18.03.2024, 16:10-16:30
Room: Bonatz Saal
Typ: Vorkolloquium
Abstract: DECT-2020 NR (marketed as NR+ by the DECT Forum) is an ETSI-developed Radio Interface Technology (RIT) that meets the IMT-2020 requirements for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency (URLLC) and massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC). Therefore, in late 2021, it was approved by the ITU-R to be included in the 5G family of standards. Constituting the world’s first non-cellular 5G technology, DECT NR+ targets nomadic wireless applications that can be deployed anywhere by anyone at any time. Along with the option to operate in the license-exempt 1.9 GHz DECT core band, the mesh-networking capability of NR+ makes the technology a compelling choice for SMEs and the PMSE industry.In this presentation, we first give an overview of DECT NR+ and how it can be used in professional immersive audio applications such as the recording and reproduction of object-based sound. We then report on our activities within the Franco-German joint research project MERCI which incorporates companies from the media and event sector to work towards a shared vision of delivering fully immersive audio-visual experiences through DECT NR+ cooperative networks. As part of the project, we are developing a Software-Defined Radio (SDR) platform to evaluate and demonstrate the technology for the conceived use cases.