
An overview of Head-Related Transfer function (HRTF)-based near- field binaural rendering for virtual acoustics (en)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 18.03.2024, 14:40-15:00
Room: Bonatz Saal
Typ: Vorkolloquium
Abstract: The acoustical impact of sound sources in the proximity of the listener’s head is essential for auditory perception. Given the distance-dependent nature of near-field HRTFs, reproducing nearby sound sources through headphones in virtual acoustics applications poses challenges from various aspects. On the one hand, there is a lack of near-field HRTF data available for applications, which is attributed to difficulties in accessing appropriate sound sources for near-field HRTF measurements and a lack of efficient acquisition and individualization approaches of near-field HRTFs. On the other hand, the neglect of the physical dimensions of sound sources in traditional binaural rendering becomes an unrealistic assumption for the head’s proximity. This work aims to present a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art methods, challenges, and application scenarios of near-field binaural rendering. Specifically, we will summarize our research outcomes in this field as part of the ITN project “VRACE-Virtual Reality Audio for Cyber Environments”. Based on our achievements and findings, we will address areas that need to be further investigated to expand and improve the applications of near-field binaural reproduction.