
Advancements in Headphone Technology (de)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 18.03.2024, 12:50-13:10
Room: Bonatz Saal
Typ: Vorkolloquium
Abstract: In recent years, headphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. This presentation reviews the technical innovations in acoustics, signal processing and measurement technology that have made this remarkable progress possible. Subsequently, current developments in both industry and research are presented that have not only transformed our music listening experience, but also contribute to the ongoing improvement of virtual and augmented reality applications. The focus will be on technologies such as active noise cancellation (ANC), transparency features (HT), and adaptive sound adjustment. Since ANC and HT alter the acoustic transmission characteristics of headphones, methods for evaluating their acoustic openness are presented, in particular a method developed at our institute based on acoustic impedance measurements to evaluate the occlusion effect. Additionally, current studies on the direction-dependent sound attenuation of headphones are outlined. Finally, we look to the future, highlighting possible innovations that may be on the horizon. Major advances in signal processing are expected through the use of artificial intelligence. Moreover, the potential of multi-driver headphones for sound personalization will be discussed.