
Interactive Comb Filter Effect Demonstration (en)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 20.03.2024, 11:20-11:40
Room: Raum 12/14
Typ: Regulärer Vortrag
Abstract: In the frame of the project and in collaboration with two DEGA projects we have jointly developed an acoustic simulation application that aims to be used by educators and audio enthusiasts to intuitively understand the physics of the comb filter effect.A comb filter is a phenomenon that occurs when the same signal arrives at the receiver at different times with a very small delay between the original and delayed signal. The delay can be created acoustically via sound reflections from hard surfaces, by having multiple sources producing the same sound or electronically via delay effects and latency. The superposition of delayed signals can then lead to cancellations and amplifications along the frequency spectrum that graphically look like a comb.We provide a simulation of two common situations where this effect occurs and the possibility to modify the physical geometry of the environments and the amount of sources and receivers. The goal of the application is to illustrate this phenomenon and seamlessly embed it into the framework.