
Using Multi Layered Panels for Sound Absorption in Rooms (en)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 21.03.2024, 14:00-14:20
Room: Glashalle
Typ: Regulärer Vortrag
Session: Raumakustik 3
Abstract: This study investigates the use of laminated panels for sound absorption integrated in elements of interior design. It is known that panel absorbers with a dense mode distribution are capable of producing absorption peaks at multiple frequencies. The improvements of mode density for such distributed mode absorbers has been discussed before. However, the absorption peaks are generally narrow and not ideal for broadband sound absorption. The use of layered plates is a promising solution to shape the panel parameters such that sound is absorbed in a wider frequency range. In particular, the use of a damping layer under a stiffer layer was considered. Therefore, different combinations of layered plates were investigated in this study. The dynamic properties of the plates were determined experimentally under acoustic excitation. The results show that it is possible to obtain a smoother and wider frequency response using layered panels. This improves broadband sound absorption in the mid and lower frequency range.