
The Influence of Surface Features on Nucleation and Cavitation Dynamics (en)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 19.03.2024, 14:40-15:00
Room: Raum 8/10
Typ: Vortrag (strukturierte Sitzung)
Abstract: Experiments were conducted on roughened surfaces and blindholes at the leading edge on a NACA0015 hydrofoil in a cavitation tunnel. Three nucleation mechanisms were observed: (i) fixed cavities at surface irregularities (ii) periodic bubble production from blind holes, and (iii) vertically moving cells at the location of the boundary layer separation. The global cavitation dynamics are not affected by the nucleation mechanisms directly, but by the surface roughness. A surface roughness has been applied to the entire surface leading to (i) a turbulent boundary layer, and a cavitation inception at lower cavitation numbers, (ii) a shift of the re-entrant flow-driven cavitation regime, (iii) an upstream displacement of the cavitation leading edge in comparison to a hydraulically smooth surface.