
A High Spatial Resolution Dataset of Spatial Room Impulse Responses for Different Acoustic Room Configurations (en)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 20.03.2024, 10:40-11:00
Room: FMS B
Typ: Vortrag (strukturierte Sitzung)
Abstract: In the field of Mixed Reality applications, one strives for seamless integration of virtual sources into real environments. A high spatial resolution dataset of Spatial Room Impulse Responses (SRIRs) measurements is presented to support this goal. An acoustically dry room was deliberately modified by adding highly reflective walls. A total of nine different wall configurations were measured using robotic platform that sampled the room uniformly with a resolution of 0.25~m. Five loudspeaker positions in each wall configuration led to an overall number of 18535 measurements. Using open-source libraries SRIR from this dataset can be used to calculate Binaural Room Impulse Responses for any head orientation at all measured positions. Our dataset can serve as ground truth for various use cases such as: room acoustic simulations, (S)RIR inter- and extrapolation algorithms, and parametric six-degrees-of-freedom binaural rendering applications. Furthermore, our measurements allow us to analyze the change in directional energy distribution caused by different wall configurations. This way, the perceptual effects of first reflections can be assessed in a controlled manner. Overall, our contribution can help to provide a comprehensive basis for parametric analysis and perception of room acoustic variations in mixed reality scenarios.