
Validation of the Doc 29 best-practice prediction method of aircraft noise on the ground at a single flight level using ADS-B data (en)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 20.03.2024, 16:40-17:00
Room: Raum 11/13
Typ: Regulärer Vortrag
Abstract: One of the most significant environmental impacts of aviation is noise, with a particular impact on communities near airports. To assess the noise impact of aircraft, different noise models with a varying degree of accuracy are in use. Best practice models such as Doc 29 (published by ECAC) are generally used to calculate complete airport scenarios. Within these models, aircraft are described as a simple noise point source rather than considering the different noise sources. The result of such calculations are noise maps, which are used for land use planning. In general, Doc 29 can provide acceptable results for scenarios involving many flights over long periods of time. For single flights however, there can be large differences between the model and noise recordings under (presumably) specific circumstances. In order to further improve the model, it is therefore the aim of this contribution to analyze statistically which criteria the flights must meet to be well captured by the model. To accomplish this, open source ADS-B data and meteorological recordings are used as inputs to the model. The results of the calculation are then compared with data of the noise monitoring system at Hannover Airport (HAJ) and the differences are evaluated.