Comparing Auralizations and Measurements of Vibrating Plates with Physical and Psychoacoustic Metrics (en)
* Presenting author
Psychoacoustic metrics and listening tests can be an important part of any acoustic analysis, addressing aspects of human perception in addition to mere physical descriptions. This, however, leads to the necessity of audio files from either physical prototypes or authentic auralizations. A previous contribution aimed to create a framework for psychoacoustic analysis of auralized vibroacoustic problems and investigated the benefit of perceptually evaluating auralizations in addition to physical metrics.Utilizing said framework, the goal of this contribution is to investigate how closely auralizations of FEM-simulated plate transfer functions can resemble audio measurements of corresponding plates with the excitation and receiver positions being the same. This investigation is conducted as a means of validating the auralization methodology in the context of vibroacoustic scenarios. The resulting comparisons are regarded for physical as well as psychoacoustic metrics.The audio measurements of vibrating steel, aluminum and polypropylene plates are taken in an anechoic chamber at two different receiver positions close to the plates. The plates are excited with an impulse hammer at different positions as well as a shaker transmitting white noise, pink noise and chirps.