A new scattering metric for auralization in urban environments (en)
* Presenting author
The absorption and scattering coefficients of surfaces are crucial for acoustic propagation simulations. However, the ISO 17497-1 scattering coefficient is the most uncertain standard metric used in geometrical acoustics. In outdoor sound propagation simulations, the impulse response is rather sparse than diffuse, and thus the amount of scattered energy is more critical to the sound immission at the receiver. Standard random-incidence scattering coefficients may be used, but they do not represent well the sound reflection at building facades. So far, specific reflection patterns are neither available nor implemented in simulation algorithms. In this paper, the scattering coefficient concept is extended to building facades in an urban test environment. Furthermore, the results of a new angle-dependent specific scattering metric, including sound steering and retroreflection, are compared with results from purely specular or mixed specular/random-incidence data sets.