
On the repulsion effect of coupled Lamb wave modes (de)

* Presenting author
Day / Time: 21.03.2024, 10:40-11:00
Room: Raum 27/28
Typ: Vortrag (strukturierte Sitzung)
Abstract: The frequency repulsion effect in coupled oscillators is well known in classical as well as in quantum mechanics (level repulsion, avoided crossing): A system of two coupled oscillators has two eigenfrequencies. As the coupling strength between the oscillators increases, the lower frequency decreases and the higher increases. Frequency repulsion, in classical mechanics, is mostly described analytically on simple, one dimensional oscillators. However, the effect has also been observed in more complex systems like coupled plates that carry Lamb waves. Numerous regions of repulsion (of frequency and wavenumber) can me made visible in the so called dispersion diagram, the frequency and wavenumber space, in which the Lamb wave modes of the system appear as dispersion curves. Since dispersion curves of Lamb waves can only be calculated numerically, gaining a better understanding of these repulsion regions by an analytical approach is very challenging. This presentation investigates the repulsion effect of coupled plates with simplified numerical models. Since the repulsion regions are correlated to the coupling strength of the plates, the quantification of the regions can have a promising application in non destructive testing of for example adhesive bonds.